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Representation in Malta
  • Press release
  • 23 September 2022
  • Representation in Malta
  • 1 min read

European Day of Languages 2022

Language Fair Poster

Maltese sign language and Maltese for foreigners are two of the main themes of this year’s Language Fair being organised by the European Commission and l-Għaqda tal-Malti on Sunday, September 25, to celebrate the European Day of Languages. Visitors to the fair can try out – or build on the knowledge they already have of – a foreign language – including French, German and Spanish – with native speakers of these languages. Volunteers from deaf persons’ associations, along with interpreters, will be teaching sign language, while volunteers from the Għaqda tal-Malti will be teaching a few basics in Maltese to those who are interested. 

“We decided that this year it would make sense to promote Maltese to the many foreign residents of Malta, since a country’s native language opens a door to better understanding and integration. In this regard, we were inspired by the campaign ‘L-Ilsien Malti għal Qalbi’ under the auspices of President George Vella,” said David Schembri, Language Officer at the European Commission Representation in Malta. “Learning new languages also breaks down walls that may not be obvious in our communities – which is why we made it a point to include Maltese Sign Language, one of Malta’s three official languages along with Maltese and English, as well as other European languages”.

The event is suitable for people of all ages, and there will also be plenty of informational and promotional material on offer. The activity will also feature a set by Maltese singer-songwriter Alexandra Alden.

At 10:00 a.m., H.E. President George Vella will be visiting the fair. 

Background information.

This language fair is one of the many events that are being organised around the EU on the occasion of the European Day of Languages.  26 September has been the European Day of Languages (EDL) since 2001. The aim is to: raise awareness of the wide variety of languages in Europe; promote cultural heritage & linguistic diversity; encourage people of all ages to learn languages; promote translation, interpretation, other language-related professions. 

Practical information:

Venue: Pjazza Sant’Anna, Triq it-Torri, Tas-Sliema

Date: 25/09/2022

Time: 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m.


Publication date
23 September 2022
Representation in Malta