Success stories - European Commission
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Representation in Malta
Water consuption 

Awarded a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) ‘Starting Grant’ worth close to EUR 1.7 million to investigate offshore groundwater systems.

Aerial views of European Union Capitals - Valletta, Malta

Through the EU’s European Regional Development Fund, EUR 41 482 300 were contributed “Mater Dei Hospital Oncology Centre” project, that is 85% of the total investment of EUR 48 802 700.


A project focused on augmenting the island’s soil retention and rain water capturing capabilities through the rehabilitation of 12 valleys across Gozo


ZEROCO2 focuses on the energy performances of buildings; in this regard, it intends to design innovative policies promoting near zero CO2 emission buildings. This project shall also combine different technologies and energy efficiency sources, contributing towards the EU energy efficiency targets.


A promotional campaign launched by the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in partnership with the Department of Curriculum, Research, Innovation and Lifelong Learning and the National Literacy Agency


A governance platform project that supports the process of strengthening and developing multilateral cooperation frameworks at regional, national and transnational levels in the Mediterranean region

Endeavour Scholarship Scheme, 2017
By supporting people to study whilst they are still contributing effectively towards the economy, ENDEAVOUR Scholarships don’t just benefit individuals; they increase the country’s capacity to compete at an international level.
Richmond Foundation
The European Social Fund (ESF)’s support has enabled Richmond’s Maltese programme to ensure people receive targeted assistance as early as possible – resulting in the best outcome for both the individual and their community.