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Representation in Malta
Our priorities for 2024-2029
Our priorities for 2024-2029
no war
ЄС швидко й рішуче реагує на агресію Росії, запроваджуючи подальші обмежуючі заходи, які матимуть широкомасштабні та суворі наслідки для Росії.

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Water consuption 

A selection of stories highlighting just some of the many ways Malta benefits from EU membership


On 9 March 2021, the Commission presented a vision and avenues for Europe’s digital transformation by 2030.
The European Commission is coordinating a common European response to the coronavirus outbreak.
If you're a primary or secondary school pupil, this is where you’ll find games, competitions and activity books to help you discover the EU in a fun way, in the classroom or at home.