The Ministry for Gozo was awarded from Measure 4.4 of the Rural Development Programme (2014-2020) to implement the project: ‘Rehabilitation of Gozo's Valleys to Enhance their rain capturing and soil retention capabilities’. Its scope is to augment the island’s soil retention and rain water capturing capabilities through the rehabilitation of 12 valleys across Gozo. These are: Wied ix-Xlendi; Wied tal-Grazzja, Wied ta’ Mgarr ix-Xini, Wied also Valley at Tal-Halq/Ta Marga l/o Qala), Wied tax-Xħajma, Wied Imgarr/Ġnien Migiarro, Wied ta’ Marsalforn, Wied tal-Ort, Għasri, Wied l-Infern, and Wied il-Kbir. Interventions shall principally consist of the reinstatement of around 26 km of rubble-walls, as well as the clearing of the valleys’ floors and natural water course ways.
Related Fund:
Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali (FAEŻR) 2014-2020
€8 Million
Ministry for Gozo