As a national of Malta or any other EU country – you are automatically also an EU citizen. As such, you can benefit from many important rights under EU law, in particular the right to move freely around Europe to live, work, study or even retire.

There are a number of ways in which you can contribute to EU decision-making. Explore this section to discover how you can make your voice heard.

Find information on residency, healthcare, social security, marriage, adoption, voting in elections, taxation, pensions, vehicles and driving licences.

Find information on workers' rights, recognition of professional qualifications and social security coordination in the EU.

The European Commission has developed a large variety of resources to help students learn about the European Union. Teachers and students from Ireland can also study or teach abroad under dedicated, EU-financed programmes.

The EU institutions employ over 40 000 men and women from the 27 EU member countries. The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) organises 'open competitions' to select personnel for permanent and non permanent positions.