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Representation in Malta
  • News article
  • 20 March 2023
  • Representation in Malta
  • 2 min read

Standard Eurobarometer 98 - National Report

Aerial views of European Union Capitals - Valletta, Malta

The European Commission Representation in Malta is pleased to publish the National Report of the latest Standard Eurobarometer Survey (EB98). 

The national report outlines the main findings of the fieldwork conducted between the 12th of January and the 1st of February 2023. A total of 504 interviews were conducted with respondents residing in Malta aged 15 years and over. The report covers a number of topics, namely perceptions on the respondents’ own personal situation, Malta and its economic situation, and the European Union; the policies of the European Union; the Russian invasion of Ukraine; trust in institutions; and media and sources of news. 

Perceptions on own situation 

The perceptions of respondents in Malta about one’s own personal situation are very positive. 94% of respondents stated that they are satisfied with the life they lead. 

When asked to choose the two most important issues they are facing at the moment from a pre-determined set of issues, respondents gave most mentions to rising prices and environment and climate change. 

46% of respondents in Malta stated that they expect their life in general to get better in the next twelve months, while 91% described their household’s financial situation as very good or rather good.

Malta and its economic situation 

Respondents’ views on the major issues facing Malta concern rising prices (61%) and crime (26%). Immigration and the environment and climate change were each mentioned by 15% of respondents. 73% of respondents tended to have positive views on the situation in Malta, describing the current situation in Malta as very good or rather good. 

Perceptions of the European Union 

This wave of the Eurobarometer confirmed again the very positive perceptions respondents have in Malta about the European Union with 73% as very optimistic or fairly optimistic about the future of the European Union. 

Respondents in Malta view EU membership as something very positive for the country with 76% stating that they disagree with the statement that Malta could better face the future outside the EU. 61% of respondents stated that they are in favour of the idea that more decisions are taken at an EU level, with the most important results of EU membership being the free movement of people, goods and services; the euro; and peace among EU Member States. 

Malta scores higher than the EU average in favourable opinions about the EU, with a predominance of positive opinions within the 15-24 age cohort. 83% of respondents believe that NextGenerationEU, the Union’s plan to support the economy through grants and loans, has been an effective measure to respond to the current economic challenges. 

The Russian invasion of Ukraine 

70% of respondents in Malta are very satisfied or fairly satisfied with the response by the Government of Malta to the Russian invasion in Ukraine, and 68% are satisfied with the EU’s response. High peaks of positive opinion have also been reached when considering the EU’s defence of European values and its provision of humanitarian support to people affected by the war. 80% of respondents also consider Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to be a threat to Malta’s security. 

Media and Sources of News 

Another set of questions dealt with media usage and sources of news. 88% of respondents in Malta use the internet every day, especially as a key source of news on European matters. While 90% of respondents stated that they often encounter disinformation, 54% believe that the Maltese media does not provide trustworthy information, and 59% do not believe that the media provides information free from political and commercial pressure.



Publication date
20 March 2023
Representation in Malta