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Representation in Malta
  • News article
  • 8 April 2022
  • Representation in Malta
  • 3 min read

Standard Eurobarometer 96 - National Report


The European Commission Representation in Malta is pleased to publish the National Report of the latest Standard Eurobarometer Survey (EB96). 


The national report outlines the main findings of the fieldwork conducted between 18 January and 8 February 2022. A total of 500 interviews were conducted with respondents residing in Malta aged 15 years and over. The report covers a number of topics, namely perceptions on the respondents’ own personal situation, Malta and its economic situation, and the European Union; the perceptions of the European Union; trust in institutions; and media and sources of news.

During this period there were still in place a number of restrictions to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. During 2021, the Maltese economy grew by 9% after that it had shrunk by 7% in 2020.  Parliamentary elections were held on 26 March 2022. At the time of the survey fieldwork, the date of the elections was still unknown. All these aspects are likely to have influenced the responses of participants. 


Perceptions on own situation

The perceptions of respondents in Malta about one’s own personal situation are rather positive. 87% of respondents are either satisfied or very satisfied with the life they lead. 

When asked to choose the two most important issues they are facing at the moment from a pre-determined set of issues, respondents gave most mentions to rising prices, inflation and cost of living. This was followed by the environment and climate change, mentioned by 26% of respondents and health, mentioned by 20% of respondents.

A majority of respondents in Malta are also optimistic about their future. 79% stated that they totally agree or tend to agree that they have confidence in their future



Malta and its economic situation

Respondents’ views on the major issues facing Malta at the moment mirror the major personal issues. Topping the list is rising prices / cost of living / inflation with 54% (+31pp over last year) mentioning it as one of the two most important issues. The other issues mentioned were the environment and climate change at 30% (+3pp), health at 25% (-16pp) and the economic situation at 20% (-16pp).

Respondents tend to have positive views on the situation in Malta with 58% describing the current situation in Malta as very good or rather good.

Contrary to one’s perceptions of oneself, views about the future of Malta are not so positive. There appears to be a fear about the future. In fact, 30% expect the situation to get worse in the coming twelve months while 28% expect the situation to get better.


Perceptions of the European Union

This wave of the Eurobarometer confirmed again the very positive perceptions respondents have in Malta about the European Union with 52% of respondents stating that things in the European Union are moving in the right direction.

Moreover 74% are very optimistic or fairly optimistic about the future of the European Union.

Respondents in Malta view EU membership as something very positive for the country with 76% stating that they disagree with the statement that Malta could better face the future outside the EU. Also, two out of three respondents believe that the single currency has been positive for Malta’s economy.


Trust in institutions

Health and medical staff remain by far the most trusted both in Malta and the European Union. Moreover, respondents in Malta trust European institutions to a greater extent than the average across the EU and have increased their level of trust in such institutions. Trust in the European Union is among the highest in Malta when compared to the rest of the EU.

Media and Sources of News
Another set of questions dealt with media usage and sources of news. The results demonstrate an evolving situation with changes in the way respondents in Malta source news and in media consumption. Respondents in Malta are much higher users of internet than the average for the EU, be it to read news, watch television or to use online social networks. The chart  below provides information on usage of each individual medium daily or almost daily



European Union (EU 27)

Watch television on a TV set



Watch television on internet



Watch TV total 



Use online social networks



Read news on internet



Listen to the radio



Read the written press 



Listen to podcasts





Publication date
8 April 2022
Representation in Malta