Exploring Together the Treasures of the Sea! is a promotional campaign launched by the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in partnership with the Department of Curriculum, Research, Innovation and Lifelong Learning and the National Literacy Agency, both falling within the remit of the Ministry for Education and Employment.
Together, the project promoters have developed an educational animated cartoon video clip accompanied by an illustrated educational book and a hand-glove puppet of the campaign mascot. These educational resources have been distributed to primary schools in Malta and Gozo and are expected to be utilised as primary teaching resources (year 3 and year 4) in the scholastic years to come.
The campaign, apart from targeting primary school pupils, targets the general public through the broadcasting of adverts on diverse mass media platforms. An open-weekend was organised at the end of June, 2018, where different stakeholders were invited to disseminate information to the general public.
The campaign sought to communicate three principle messages:
(i) Awareness of the state of the local fish stocks;
(ii) Sustainable fish consumption;
(iii) The role of each individual in assisting conservation efforts.
Related Fund:
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) 2014-2020
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture – Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change