Following the adoption of the Partnership Agreement 2021-2027 with Malta, the Commission has adopted the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) programme for Malta, to implement the EU common fisheries policy (CFP) and EU policy priorities outlined in the European Green Deal. The total financial allocation for the Maltese programme 2021-2027 is €31.2 million over the next six years, of which the EU contribution accounts for €21.8 million.
Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius, said:
Today I am pleased to announce the adoption of the EMFAF programme for Malta that reflects its commitment to invest in fisheries’ resilience and sustainability. The programme will enable key interventions for effective and inclusive management of marine protected areas and tackle the issue of marine litter. The programme will also support actions to improve the sustainability and diversification of the aquaculture sector.
Supported activities
The programme will allocate 79.4% to support sustainable fisheries and protection and restoration of marine environments and invest 14.6% in sustainable aquaculture and marketing. The programme also addresses the EU’s environmental and climate objectives.
The programme will support, among others actions:
- Sustainable fisheries: investments in key ports to implement the landing obligation and improve health and safety; improved selectivity, efficiency and decarbonisation of fisheries; capacity building and advisory services; fisheries control, data collection and enhanced research.
- Protection and restoration of aquatic biodiversity and ecosystems: Investments in Marine Protected Areas to ensure their management and restoration and support for marine litter collection.
- Sustainable aquaculture: investments to support sustainable aquaculture development and research and innovations for the diversification of farmed aquaculture species; circularity and decarbonisation in aquaculture, as well as an extended awareness campaign for fisheries products .
Main expected outcomes until 2027
The Maltese EMFAF programme will contribute to the EU policy priorities outlined in the European Green Deal, Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies.
The programme will support the resilience of the fisheries and aquaculture sectors, among others, through financial support to enhance knowledge, capacity and advisory services for the sectors, adding value to landed products, diversification of activities and by using compensation schemes to support the relevant blue economy sectors from future crisis.
It will support the green transition of the sectors with investments aimed at improving gear selectivity, decarbonisation, energy efficiency and circularity in aquaculture.
The digital transition of the will be supported with a concrete investments to use innovative solutions for enhanced control and collection of fisheries data.
The financial support will also help to develop marine protected areas and to fight against marine litter. The programme will support the management of marine Natura 2000 sites and implement restoration measures in an inclusive approach with fishers in line with the Maltese prioritised action framework for Natura 2000 and the EU’s Birds, Habitats and Marine Strategic Framework Directives.
The EMFAF runs from 2021 to 2027 and supports the EU common fisheries policy (CFP) and the EU maritime policy. The fund helps achieve sustainable fisheries and conserve marine biological resources.
Article 8 of the EMFAF Regulation (EU) 2021/1139 requires Member States to produce a national implementation programme for the EMFAF. This programme focuses on EU priorities, laying down the strategy and investment priorities, including the indicative annual financial allocation for each priority. The programme is subject to approval by the European Commission.
More information
- Publication date
- 28 November 2022
- Author
- Representation in Malta