Commissioner Dalli awards Access City Award 2022 to Luxembourg City - European Commission Skip to main content
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Representation in Malta
  • News article
  • 17 June 2022
  • Representation in Malta
  • 1 min read

Commissioner Dalli awards Access City Award 2022 to Luxembourg City

Access Award

Today, Commissioner Dalli addressed the Chamber of Deputies to present and exchange views on all areas of the Equality portfolio with members of the Luxembourgish Parliament. The Commissioner then met Taina Bofferding, Luxembourg’s Minister for Home Affairs and for Equality between Women and Men, to discuss the gender equality portfolio, in particular the recent EU proposal on combating violence against women and domestic violence; the proposed EU Pay Transparency Directive; and the EU Directive on Work-Life Balance.


Commissioner Dalli said, Pay transparency helps us see pay discrimination arising from gender stereotypes, bias and beliefs that still, often unconsciously, influence pay setting. We cannot wait decades to see equality – that is why we need pay transparency. I also called on Luxembourg for their full support on the directive on violence against women and domestic violence. We must effectively combat violence against women and domestic violence with a united front.


The Commissioner reminded that all Member States must transpose the Directive on Work-Life Balance into national legislation by August. The aim is to achieve a better sharing of care responsibilities between women and men, by allowing men to make use of their rights to parental leave by introducing two months of adequately paid and non-transferable leave for each parent.

In the afternoon, Commissioner Dalli awarded the City of Luxembourg with the Access City Award 2022 at an official ceremony. Commission Dalli said, “The City of Luxembourg has worked hard over the years, together across city departments and with organisations of persons with disabilities to make a difference. Improvements to accessibility at city level have an immediate impact on the daily lives of persons with disabilities – so that everyone can do everyday things such as take a tram or bus to work or to school, visit a museum, participate in decision-making, or access services without barriers.

The Access City Award is part of a wider set of EU initiatives to enhance accessibility, such as the European Accessibility Act, the Web Accessibility Directive, the definition of European accessibility standards and the upcoming launch of the new European resource centre, AccessibleEU.

The Commissioner then met with Rabbi Grodensky, where they discussed the work  against antisemitism, the role of religions in the fight against discrimination, and how to combat prejudice towards the LGBTIQ persons.


Publication date
17 June 2022
Representation in Malta