Past Events Bookfair 1Bookfair 1Bookfair 2Bookfair 2EU in My School - Students visiting the VR lab at UoMEU in My School - Students visiting the VR lab at UoMEU in My School - Students visiting the VR lab at UoMEU in My School - Students visiting the VR lab at UoMEU in My School - Students visiting the VR lab at UoMEU in My School - Students visiting the VR lab at UoMWomen's Day Event - Looking Forward: A Post-Pandemic Reality for WomenWomen's Day Event - Looking Forward: A Post-Pandemic Reality for WomenWomen's Day Event - Looking Forward: A Post-Pandemic Reality for WomenWomen's Day Event - Looking Forward: A Post-Pandemic Reality for WomenWomen's Day Event - Looking Forward: A Post-Pandemic Reality for WomenWomen's Day Event - Looking Forward: A Post-Pandemic Reality for WomenEarth Garden 2022Earth Garden 2022Earth Garden 2022Earth Garden 2022Earth Garden 2022Earth Garden 2022Europe Day 2022Europe Day 2022Europe Day 2022Europe Day 2022Quiz Night on the eve of Europe Day 2022Quiz Night on the eve of Europe Day 2022Close Filter by Keywords Status Upcoming and ongoingPastToggle dropdown Event type Info daysExhibitionsConferences and summitsPublic debatesCampaign launchesToggle dropdown Event date SelectAfterBeforeIn betweenToggle dropdown Date End Date Subject European Commissiontranslationlanguage industrymultilingualismartscultureadaptation to climate changecultural policyenvironmental protectionEuropean cultural eventlanguage skillspublic awareness campaignRecovery and Resilience FacilityToggle dropdown Organisers European Commission Directorate General for TranslationToggle dropdown Venue Aula Magna, University of Malta Valletta CampusBusy Bee, MriehelCasino MalteseCentral Public LibraryCentral Public LibraryCity Gate, VallettaDar L-EwropaDar l-EwropaDar L-EwropaDar l-EwropaDar l-EwropaDar l-EwropaDar l-Ewropa, Gran SalonIntercontinental Hotel, St. JuliansIs-Suq tal-BeltMarsalforn Offbeat Music BarSt. Anne Square Pjazza Sant'AnnaStoreroomUniversity of Malta - Valletta CampusUniversity of Malta - Valletta CampusUniversity of Malta QuadrangleToggle dropdown Online type LivestreamToggle dropdown Search Clear filters Events (24) RSS Showing results 1 to 10 07Dec2024Info daysIl-Malti u t-Traduzzjoni – Translating Europe WorkshopValletta, Malta05Dec2024Info daysTitħajjar tittraduċi għall-UE?Valletta, Malta03-06Sep2024Info daysTraTra il-Belt Valletta, Malta10Jul2024Exhibitions12 Maps, One ProjectFloriana, Malta06Jul2024ExhibitionsShapes of Europe - creative writing workshop Floriana, Malta14-10Jun-Jul2024ExhibitionsThe Story of Europe, Map by Map21Feb2024ExhibitionsĦoss il-Malti Ta' Xbiex, Malta02Dec2023Conferences and summits Inclusive language and accessible content: the state of play in MaltaValletta, Malta08Nov2023Conferences and summitsImplementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan in Malta: Achievements and ChallengesValletta, Malta24Sep2023Info daysFestalingwiValletta, Malta 1Page 123Next
02Dec2023Conferences and summits Inclusive language and accessible content: the state of play in MaltaValletta, Malta
08Nov2023Conferences and summitsImplementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan in Malta: Achievements and ChallengesValletta, Malta