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Representation in Malta
  • Exhibitions

‘My Europe, My Malta, My Future’

Information stands surrounding a centre stage, open to the public. The stands will be hosted by the following entities:  SEM/Europe Direct Valletta; European Commission Representation in Malta; European Parliament Liaison Office; European Union Agency for Asylum; European Employment Services (EURES); Malta Council for Science and Technology (Horizon Europe); EU Programmes Agency (EUPA) and Aġenzija Żgħażagħ; Strategy and Implementation Division; SOLVIT Malta; European Consumers Centre; Entitlement Unit (MFH); URBACT; Euroguidance Malta.                            

There will also be an exhibition of the top 8 artworks submitted for competition EU in my School. This exhibition is the culmination of a competition involving students who are pursuing EU studies (13 – 14 years of age) from 6 different schools. All the students visited three different locations/buildings and were given an interactive information session on how Malta benefits from EU funds and particular aspects of the project they visited. A local artist, Mattie De Bono, who selected the top 8 artworks produced a video which was shared among all the students to inspire them and help them express themselves artistically. The artist and the students will be painting a large wall during this event.

  • European Commission
  • Monday 9 May 2022, 10:00 - 13:00 (CEST)
  • Valletta, Malta

Practical information

Monday 9 May 2022, 10:00 - 13:00 (CEST)
City Gate, Valletta
Valletta, Malta
English, Maltese
