The Environment: Malta's Green Deal - European Commission Skip to main content
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The Environment: Malta's Green Deal

EU policies to protect natural habitats, keep air and water clean

Being a part of the European Union means Malta can act in unison with other Member States to tackle global climate change. The European Green Deal is the EU’s long-term strategy to protect humans, animals and plants through key policies and shared targets aimed at ambitiously cutting emissions and preserving Europe’s natural environment.

EU policies to protect natural habitats, keep air and water clean and ensure proper waste disposal are reflected in Maltese legislation and the European Commission helps all Member States apply EU environmental law correctly. EU rules have meant Malta has had to act on water pollution, waste disposal, air quality, and preservation of natural habitats. Under the EU’s Bathing Water Directive Malta has to monitor and assess bathing water to ensure it’s safe for bathers.

Since the launch of the LIFE programme by the European Commission in 1992, a total of twenty “traditional” projects have been co-financed in Malta. Of these, ten focus on nature conservation and biodiversity, six on environment and resource efficiency and four on environment Governance and Information. In addition to the traditional projects, Malta has also benefitted one Integrated project “LIFE IP 2nd RBMP - River Basin Management Plan”, one Technical Assistance project “LIFE TA Malta RBMP” and one Capacity building project “Increase LIFE”.

The €2.27 billion EU Just Transition Fund allocated to Malta will help support the country’s green transition, mobilising substantial resources towards the environment, facilitating financing to enterprise, energy efficiency and enhancing Malta’s cultural heritage, amongst other initiatives. Other investments in health, education, potable and new water and waste management are also included. €469 million are l aimed at initiatives to contribute towards clean energy. These initiatives will focus on energy efficiency and emissions reduction to combat climate change. The programme proposes the introduction of different and sustainable mobility systems in the urban localities of the country, in line with the European Green Deal to reach climate neutrality by the year 2050 as envisaged in the Paris Treaty. Various initiatives to create green corridors and enhance Natura 2000 sites are being proposed. Malta will also continue to strengthen its electricity supply by investing in a new interconnector and energy storage. Other investments will be made to protect and conserve Malta’s nature and biodiversity.

Through EU membership and funding, Malta now has near to 15% of it’s land area covered by Natura 2000 sites, together with over a third of its waters.

European Green Deal

Malta’s 2030 National Energy and Climate Plan

The LIFE Programme

The Just Transition Fund