To facilitate access of UK nationals to information about national residence schemes and support available measures, the European Commission put together key information from available sources.
As the situation may evolve, UK nationals are advised to check with the relevant national authorities who are the first contact point for UK nationals and who can directly assist them. The European Commission will continue to update the information on this webpage with the latest input from the EU Member States.
The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Malta before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Malta.
Type of residence scheme: constitutive
What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Malta in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, must apply for a new residence status. Failure to apply in time may lead to a loss of any entitlement under the Withdrawal Agreement.
Deadline to apply: 30 June 2021
Application process:
The new residence scheme opened on 17 February 2020.
The application process is staggered according to the place of residence of the United Kingdom nationals for those already residing in Malta. Persons arriving during the transition period may submit the application after three months of residence in Malta. All applicants are required to declare criminal convictions. The existing document will continue to be valid until the residence document in the new EU harmonised format is issued.
United Kingdom nationals and their family members will have until 30 June 2021 to apply for their new residence status.
Available assistance:
Vulnerable United Kingdom nationals have priority when attending their appointments and third parties can submit residence application on behalf of housebound persons. UK national can seek assistance on phone (+356 25904800 for Malta and +356 22156122 for Gozo) or by e-mail (Brexit [dot] imagov [dot] mt (Brexit[dot]ima[at]gov[dot]mt) for Malta or eresidence-brexit [dot] mgoz
gov [dot] mt (eresidence-brexit[dot]mgoz[at]gov[dot]mt) for Gozo).
Statistical data:
The Maltese authorities estimate that there are around 13 600 resident United Kingdom nationals.
By 19 April 2021, 8 300 United Kingdom nationals applied for their new Maltese residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement and 5 000 were granted it.
Additional information for frontier workers:
Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at https://identitymalta.com/uk-nationals-residence-status-following-brexit/.
Where to find more information:
Information from the Maltese authorities:
Information from the Commission
- Publication date
- 9 June 2021